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Hello, this is everything about me! 👋

My Web Dev Journey

hmmm6830 is a non-Canadian web developer who currently lives in Canada. He began learning HTML in the epidemic period of 2021 through the online courses of CS50 as a result of being bored and out of mere curiosity. One night, he woke up thinking about learning how to create his own unique website. That thought was thus made true. On the same night, he began looking up courses that taught about the main elements of creating a website. He searched until he found out about edX.org, and from there, he looked up the courses that they provided that were free. Therefore, finding out about CS50 made his learning journey a lot easier because of their comprehensive teaching methods.

JavaScript Odyssey

He has been ravenous over the past few years; he believed that knowing only HTML and CSS wasn't going to help him in his web development journey. So he's started studying about JS with the objective of putting a stop to his dissatisfaction in the summer of 2023. Javascript.info, an online resource dedicated to teaching other web developers specifically about Javascript, has piqued his intrigue. As a consequence, he began studying somewhat relentlessly to be able to complete the course. He would occasionally get on his computer with its large speakers turned on, blast music from the 1980s, and look at the multitude of different things the course might offer.

Updated on: 23-07-30